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In Case You Missed It Enjoy The Archives...

Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Patricia Kirkman return to the spooky with the story of The Witch Child of Helmach Creek.  Author and paranormal investigator Rick Keuber joins us to reveal the truth about this mysterious encounter that left a permanent mark on his investigative team.

"Her life, her death, her power, and her incredible story will never leave us, and the child who spent more than the past century as a nonexistent girl, a ghost and legend with no name, had now become the pillar of strength and compassion for so many. She had become known to those who used to fear the terrifying Legend of the Child Witch of Helmach Creek, as Ashley Sue- the miracle of Helmach House."

Rick Kueber is an author and paranormal investigator from Evansville, Indiana.

Rick's book, Forever Ash: The With Child of Helmach Creek, covers a paranormal case he investigated with E.V.P. Investigations,(Evansville Vanderburg Paranormal) a group he founded in 2008. E.V.P. Investigations has been involved with cases in Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee.

Tune in to Supernatural Girlz with host Patricia Baker & co-host Patricia Kirkman as they uncover the secrets of Lucid Dreaming with author Robert Waggoner.  Would you like to know how to have lucid dreams? Interact with dream figures? Conduct scientifc and personal experiments? And discover creative solutions to life issues?  This is a show you do not want to miss!  Robert is a psychologist and past president of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) and a co-editor of the online journal, Lucid Dreaming Experience.  He is a frequent speaker at national and international dream conferences and the author of Lucid Dreaming:  Gateway to the Inner Self and Lucid Dreaming, Plain & Simple.

Call in with your questions!  646-478-0828

If you want to be inspired, then tune in to Supernatural Girlz with host Patricia Baker and co-host Patricia Kirkman to hear stories of light and hope with author Keidi Keating.  Keating experienced a spiritual awakening at the age of 30 after a series of healing sessions.  One night she was instructed to bring this book to life, and Keating gathered some of the planet's greatest spiritual teachers to contribute to chapters.  Keating's book, Experiences from the Light is now inspiring people worldwide.  Tune in and prepare for a miracle in your own life!

For yet another week we are offering FREE READINGS.  Call in to Supernatural Girlz to speak with Psychic and Trance Medium Theo Kostaridis.
Theo is a sixth generation psychic and hails from a long family ancestry of intuitives.  Born in Athens, Greece, Theo moved to the United States at the age of 4 and lived in Florida until after college, when he finally accepted his destiny of intuitive arts. He has 20 years of professional experience in psychic readings. In 2001 Theo moved to Evansville, Indiana and now resides in Henderson, KY.  Over the years, as Theo honed his natural abilities, he became very proficient in the use of tarot cards, psychometry, tea leaf and Greek coffee readings, as well as a variety of other tools. Theo has become the talk of the psychic world and hosts seminars and workshops throughout the country.
Working with Evansville Vanderburgh Paranormal on several investigations as well as hosting seminars with E.V.P. as his invited guest speakers, Theo has become an integral part of the EVP family. Being a Trance Medium, Theo specializes in communicating with those who have crossed over and channeling messages from your spirit guides and angels.

CALL IN for your FREE READING:  646-478-0828

Would you like to speak with someone who has passed?  

Join Supernatural Girlz and their guest Medium Lynn Van Praagh-Gratton for an evening of free readings!  Call in with your questions: 646-478-0828  

Lynn comes from a long line of gifted mediums.  Lynn conveys messages of hope, healing, and love to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one. These messages bring closure, peace, and love to people all over the United States and Canada.  

Lynn grew up in Bayside, New York.  After high school, Lynn was a stay at home mom, and then went on to become a Flight Service Manager at American Airlines. It wasn’t until her husband’s untimely death that she fully embraced her gifts. The Universe helped to encourage Lynn further by placing a woman in her path who told her that she was “A Bridge Between Worlds;” at that moment Lynn knew what she was meant to do. Upon retiring from American Airlines, Lynn began to focus on her abilities and sharing them with others. Lynn has four children and is a grandmother to seven. Lynn never imagined the worlds that have opened up to her over these past few years.  Throughout her life, Lynn has experienced many difficulties along her path. Through her faith and her abilities, she has been able to forge ahead and remain strong. “I want to heal people by speaking to those who can no longer be heard by their loved ones left behind” is Lynn’s mantra. 

Want to get healthy? Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and guest co-host Patricia Kirkman as they continue an exploration in alternative HEALING.

This week's guest Tom Paladino is a scalar energy researcher and has 25 years of experience helping people with pathogenic infection. 

Scalar energy is also known as prana, chi, radiant energy, zero point energy, qi, orgone, eloptic. After years of experimentation and modification, Paladino has developed a technique using scalar energy that will transmute pathogens quickly and painlessly. This technique facilitates the use of photographs of people who desire to have pathogens transmuted in their bodies.

Paladino developed a treatment process whereby he is able to administer the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of a pathogen, thereby causing that agent of infection to disassemble or fall apart. His Pathogen Cleanse currently disassembles over 55,000 pathogens for humans and animals. The Nutrient delivers 242 essential nutrients to the cells of humans and animals and harmonizes the body for humans and animals.

Scalar energy operates at the quantum level and is capable of disassembling pathogens such as virus, bacteria, parasite, protozoal, amoeba, prion, thus eliminating the causative agent of disease. Once the causative agent of a pathogen disease has been eliminated the symptoms associated with that infection decrease or disappear altogether. Tune in to learn the secrets of this natural energy and how it can help you

Our first show of 2015 is all about HEALING.  Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and guest co-host Patricia Kirkman as they speak with author and Sound Healer Eileen McKusick.  Eileen will offer a sound healing for the entire listening audience as well as discuss the practice of sound balancing and how to use tuning forks to clear pain and trauma.  This revolutionary perspective on mind, energy, memory and trauma is on the leading edge for those looking to overcome chronic illness.

Eileen Day McKusick has researched the effects of audible sound n the human body and its biofield since 1996.  She has a Master' degree in itegrative education and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in integral health.  She teaches privately and at Johnson State College and maintains a therapy practice in Stowe, Vermont. She is the author of Tuning the Human Biofield:  Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy.


The Akashic Records~ Heal the Past and the Present

Would you like to find out how to work with the Akashic Records to transform your life?

Join Supernatural Girlz host Patricia Baker and guest co-host Patricia Kirkman as they learn the secrets of working with the Akashic Records with author Ernesto Ortiz.  Ernesto offers a profound knowledge of how to use the Akashic Records for individual healing, growth and self realization.  Tune in to hear a sacred prayer that can change your life forever, and learn an easy way to protect yourself and stay connected to Source and Spirit. 

 Ernesto is the founder and director of Journey to the Heart. He has led hundreds of workshops around the world teaching transformation with the Akashic Records.  He is the author of The Akashic Records, Sacred Exploration of your Soul's Journey Within the Wisdom of the Collective Consciousness

Tune in to Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Becky Andreasson as they talk with Kathleen Marden and Denise Stoner about the mysterious details of alien abduction.

Stoner and Marden shed light on the theoretical science explaining alien technology, messages conveyed by the ETs to abductees and details of alien experimental procedures.

 Marden and Stoner say there is evidence that these phenomena are REAL and alien abductees are telling the truth.

Kathleen Marden works full time as an author, alien abduction researcher, and lecturer. She has more than 22 years experience in the field and is the niece of Betty and Barney Hill - famous abductees whose story stirred worldwide interest.

Denise Stoner has spent more than 20 years researching the alien abduction phenomenon, documenting the physical and psychological impact of abduction upon experiencers, and working one-on-one with abductees.

Together these two women have accomplished something rare and remarkable an opportunity for our listeners to enter into the heart of what may as well be the greatest mystery and challenge facing humanity today. Don’t miss this Spectacular chance to unravel the mysteries of alien abduction.


In these tumultuous times are you looking for inspiration? Do you want to feel wonder and joy? Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and guest co-host Patricia Kirkman as they speak with channel and author Gloria Amendola. Gloria Amendola is an intuitive who has a passion for esoteric knowledge and dream language. She is a trained facilitator, accomplished shamanic drummer, and works with a variety of disciplines in her teaching. Gloria has been channeling Mary Magdalene for over 13 years. Mary Magdalene is often thought of as the second-most important woman in the New Testament after Mary, the mother of Jesus. The Magdelene is not who you’ve been told she was, but rather a woman of extraordinary spiritual power who would be considered, in her time, as the equal to Jesus. Mary says she and Jesus feel our audience is ready to receive these empowering teachings - the teachings of their once-secretive inner circle. She explains the differences between the fabled civilizations of Egypt and Atlantis, the Mystery Schools, the process of initiation into expanded awareness, and how we can begin to learn the ancient wisdom of the Mysteries. Find out why Mary believes the time is now for people to rediscover these incredible teachings! Don’t miss this chance to hear from Mary Magdalene!

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Helene Olsen as they interview Adrienne Metcalf, her husband Josh Schwartzbach and the channeled entities named "SOTU." Tune in as they unlock the secrets of the world around us. Ever wonder why you’re here? The purposes of your life? Is there is a point to it all?

"There is a great movement afoot in your world dear ones. It is a movement that you cannot avoid. Each and every one of you are being asked, in your personal as well as the ever-increasing intensity of the reflections from the consensus, to identify yourself." - SOTU channeled by J. Harold Schwartzbach

SOTU will help our audience unlock some of these secrets and get down deep to our inner truth. We will hear from the channeled spirits themselves with SOTU live on the air. This is an episode you cannot not miss! Call in and receive answers to your questions and find the inner meaning you have been looking for.


How do you tell the difference between your imagination and true psychic ability? Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Helene Olsen as they separate the wheat from the chafe on all things psychic. Our guest, author and psychic medium Carole Lynne has had many psychic experiences throughout her life, but it was not until she reached her forties that she stated seeing visions of people who had passed on to the other side. After having these visions she began studying both in the United States and in Europe to try to understand her gift and to learn how to use her mediumistic talents to help others. Lynne begins with some badly needed truths, like not everyone is psychic. Listen in and discover if your abilities are fact or fiction. Don’t miss this terrific show ~ “Are you Psychic or are you making it up?”


Come dream with Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Helene Olsen as they talk to Dawn Baumann Brunke about her animal guides and spirits. Brunke is a writer and editor who specialize in the areas of healing, dreaming, spirituality, animal communication, and deepening our connection with all life.  Animals are an intricate part of our daily lives and getting in tune with your natural animal abilities gives each and every person a better sense of the universe around us. Lets walk with the wolves and soar with the eagles as Supernatural Girlz digs into the powerful meaning of Spirit Journey and Animal Guides. 

October 29, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Helene Olsen as they speak with author Joie Albrecht about her experience with A Deadly Haunting. Joie reported the events Deborah Moffitt experienced over 25 years.  Moffitt claimed that it was a demon looking to collect a woman’s mind, body and soul.  Joie tells us all the frightening details that tormented the entire Moffitt family.  The demon demanded that a female member of the family had been given to him for sacrifice in order for him to leave forever.  Don’t miss this spooktacular event - a true, very scary supernatural story. 

Joie Albrecht is an Award Winning Director/Voice Director/Writer/Producer/Schow Runner who has created programming for national networks, syndication, cable, and corporations for the past 20 years, most of which have been in the top ten of the NIELSEN ratings, and received critical acclaim. She is also listed in WHO’S WHO OF ENTERTAINMENT. 

October 22, 2014

Are you ready to hear the spookiest of all stories that contain hidden truths?  Get ready to listen to the Master himself, Lon Milo DuQuette spin esoteric tales of occult mysteries and magical initiations.  DuQuette will speak to us on many types of secret rituals, hauntings and even encountering the Devil himself!  These stories will haunt you and bite at your heels from the shadows for all eternity.... Don't say we didn't warn you!  Join us for another great episode during Spooky October!

Lon Milo DuQuette is a bestselling author and lecturer on such topics as magick, tarot and the Western mystery traditions.  He is currently U.S. Deputy Grand Master of Ordo Templi Orientis and is on the faculty of the Omega institute in Rhinebeck, NY.  He lives in Costa Mesa, CA, with his beautiful wife Constance.  Visit Lon online at:

October 15, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they talk to author and Air Force insider Robert Salas about the UFO cover-up. Salas has first-hand knowledge of UFO capabilities and how much involvement they've had with governments world-wide.

In 1969 the U.S. Air Force issued a statement that read‚ "No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security." This statement is patently false. It has been proven untrue by the testimony of many military officers and airmen and documentation of incidents involving UFOs and nuclear weapons, testimonies of which the U.S. Air Force was fully aware.Unidentified details many of these testimonies, some for the first time

How are they able to fool the general population into believing that UFOs aren't real when the hard evidence tells otherwise?  Salas has the answers.  Join us for a conspiracy reveal!

Robert Salas is a 1964 graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy. He served seven years on active duty. He worked as a weapons controller, flew target drones, commanded intercontinental ballistic missiles as a launch officer, and a worked as an Air Force missile propulsion engineer on the Titan III program. From 1971 to 1973 he worked as a safety and reliability engineer for Martin-Marietta Aerospace and Rockwell International on Space Shuttle design proposals. From 1974 until his retirement in 1995 he worked for the Federal Aviation Administration. In 2005 he published the book Faded Giant with coauthor James Klotz, which details the UFO incident he witnessed in 1967. Mr. Salas has been publicly speaking about this incident at UFO conferences, on radio, and on television since 1996.

October 8, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they interview Raven Grimassi about his most powerful work to date!

Listen to Grimassi share profound Craft teachings that will transform your relationship with magick. 

We'll be talking all about a new system of witchcraft, one that draws upon the old ways and the old days. Rich with spells, rituals, and detailed illustrations of plant spirits, Grimassi shows us the path that leads deep into the darkened woods--which leads to the Thorned Path.

Hear about the entities that dwell within the organic memory of the earth, the devas, the deities, the magical life force that lies within the wooded glen. Learn to work with these spirits, and use their wisdom to transform your life and your practice!

Don't miss this magical show with the Girlz

October 1, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they speak with Von Braschler a very reluctant ghosthunter!

Despite early recognition of his own psychic sensitivities and ability to see spirits, Von Braschler did not seek to become a ghost hunter. He embarked on this path through a "chance" encounter with a professional ghost hunter. After training with her, he returned to Oregon where he began exorcising ghosts for friends and acquaintances and quickly stumbled upon forces far beyond his level of experience. 

Sharing his true story of what can go wrong when ghost hunting, Braschler will discuss his training sessions with the professional ghost hunter and details his most difficult and dangerous attempts to remove spirits from haunted buildings, including an old church in Portland and an herbalist’s trailer on Mount Hood, where he encountered a spirit known to choke people in their sleep. 
Braschler provides practical lists of what to do and what to avoid when removing ghosts from a haunted building; how to identify what kind of spirit you are dealing with; whether it is safe to attempt removal, and how to approach the ghost and convince it to leave. Detailing his own intense and sometimes hellish battles with unseen spirits, he cautions those who try to contact ghosts and spirits purely for entertainment.

Von Braschler, a former faculty member at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, has led workshops throughout the United States and the United Kingdom. A lifetime member of the Theosophical Society, he is the author of several books, including Seven Secrets of Time Travel. He lives in St. Paul, Minnesota.

September 24, 2014

You asked and we provide!  Our listeners want more of FREE numerology readings from Patricia Kirkman and she will be here with us to answer your calls!  Looking for your true love?  More money?  Or maybe just peace of mind?

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Helene Olsen for a special night of FREE Readings with Numerologist Patricia Kirkman! Over a thirty year career she has earned a reputation for being "the best of the best".

A talented numerologist, Patricia is internationally recognized as a gifted and insightful reader who is respected for her honesty, integrity, and discretion.

Patricia’s focus is always on the truth. She has a unique ability to take her clients’ personal numbers and translate them into past patterns and future directions. Through intuitive counseling she works to help clients understand the forces at work in their lives. Through Diagnostic Coaching and Rational Numerology© clients learn how they can neutralize negative influences and refocus positive energy. 

Patricia also utilizes astrology and celestial forecasting to encourage and coach her clients to expand their personal horizons, discover new directions, and achieve awareness and fulfillment in their lives. 

Call in for your FREE READING by the numbers with Patricia Kirkman!

September 17, 2014

Can one person's thought force energy make a positive difference in your life?

According to Mahendra Trivedi it most certainly can and it can be validated scientifically.

The Trivedi Effect Is a phenomenon generated by the thought of Mahendra Trivedi, a powerful thought energy, which through it’s direct connection with a higher consciousness has the ability to transform the natural structure of both living and inanimate forms.

Tune in to get the inside track on energy transmission and receive your very own FREE transmission from Mahendra offered for the first time on radio via Supernatural Girlz!

September 10, 2014

Don't miss this one!!

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they speak with Alien Abductees Betty Andreasson Luca and  Robert Luca. 
The Andreasson Affair is more than just a classic example of a close encounter. It is a case of such "high strangeness" that even the most open-minded investigators were at first inclined to dismiss it out of hand. Yet it has become one of the best documented cases of its kind to date. The case was the subject of an intensive 12-month investigation conducted by the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) that involved, among other things, the recording of large quantities of testimony given under hypnosis, extensive lie detector testing of witnesses, detailed analysis of corroborative circumstantial evidence, exhaustive comparison with other such accounts, and much more. Robert Luca has also uncovered mysterious covert surveillance of them, their family and friends that spans thirty years.  Tune in to hear the evidence of Alien abduction and Government interference.

September 3, 2014

A unique new author in the world of spirituality, joins hosts Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen to discuss The Gentle Way of the Heart: Discover the Light Within.  Anders Nilsson brings a scientist’s approach to the path to transforming one’s self and becoming more awakened in the present moment.

Both a renowned physics and chemistry researcher at Stanford University and a spiritual teacher, Dr. Nilsson, lays out a practice of study, meditation and exercises that addresses our world's desperate need of harmony and human connection.

The Silicon Valley-based professor has led spiritual workshops in Europe for many years and is endorsed by astronaut Edgar Mitchell and many other notables.

Nilsson’s work on water was recently featured on the cover of the pre-eminent international science magazine, Nature and covered by Scientific American. He has also been featured on the Science Channel’s “Through the Wormhole”. 

August 27, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they interview William Hall, author of The World's Most Haunted House.

Tune in to hear this thrilling account of one of the most terrifying and well-documented poltergeist hauntings of modern times.  National media reported jumping furniture, floating refrigerators and attacking entities. 

Decades after the publicity quieted, Hall reveals never-before-released information from police officers, firefighters and other witnesses. Return with us to 1974 and hear the Lindley Street experience from the inside!

William Hall was born and raised in Bridgeport, CT where the events of the haunting took place.  He watched the news coverage when he was ten years old. After more than 25 years as a professional magician Hall knows how to recognize illusions.  He is experienced in researching the unexplained, from folklore to fortune telling.  His syndicated 1990's column, "Magic and the Unknown," ran for six years in multiple newspapers.

August 20, 2014

What is the life of an occult magician really like?  World renowned practitioner Lon Milo DuQuette comes to Supernatural Girlz Radio to share what he's learned about Magick, family and the nature of the Universe.  This is your chance to learn from the Master as  hosts Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen interview one of their favorite guests!

Tune in to hear simple how-to instructions and homespun wisdom. Learn how to turn your home and yard into a place of MAGIC.

Lon Milo DuQuette is a preeminent esoteric scholar, singer-songwriter and recording artist.  The author of 16 critically acclaimed books on the occult, he is one of the most expert and entertaining speakers in the field of Western Magick!

August 13, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen to hear the spine tingling true story of ghosthunters David Rountree and Robbie Lunt's mission to banish a demon.  

When a summoning goes bad, a woman is driven from her home by phantom parties, a dancing stove and a wave of demonic forces that toss her around like a ragdoll.  

Their quest to end the horrible hauntings culminates in a psychic battle on Halloween night.  

This is more than a ghost story, Demon Street, USA is an account of personal growth and discovery.  No one comes through unchanged!

David Rountree is a Lakota Shaman and the exectuve director of Spirit Lab, a scientific research organization in Hackettstown, NJ. He is also the author of Paranormal Technology

Robbie Lunt is an arcanologist from Washoe Valley, Nevada.  He is an energy worker proficient in Tai Chi and Reiki and a member of The Way of Nature Fellowship.

August 6, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they interview filmmaker Denise Williams on the life and death of Dr. John Mack.  When Harvard psychiatry professor and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Dr. John Mack, was asked to study people who claimed to be abducted by aliens, he was reluctant. But these people were desperate for help, and he was curious what the underlying psychiatric syndrome might be.

Dr. Mack studied over 200 abductees and found them to be sane. Headlines around the world mocked him. His friends and colleagues, even his wife, thought he had lost his mind. Harvard Medical School was mortified that their Head of Psychiatry was on national television saying that aliens may be real. The Dean appointed a secret committee to discredit Dr. Mack, ruin his reputation and take away his tenure. In spite of all this, Dr. Mack courageously stayed true to his new-found beliefs and stood by the abductees. 

Dr. Mack was killed while crossing a street in the UK.  Another man named John Mack was also killed while crossing a street in the UK on the same day.  Coincidence or not?  You decide!

July 30, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they speak with author Nick Redfern about fatal encounters involving UFOs.

Everyone has heard of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, but have you heard about the fatal encounters?  Hear Redfern cite case after case of grisley deaths at the hands of both government agents and extraterrestrials.  Many researchers and witnesses to these and other terrible events have vanished, never to be see or heard from again.

Getting too close to the truth about UFOs is clearly a deadly business.  Tune in to Supernatural Girlz to uncover the truth.

Nick Redfern is an author, lecturer, and journalist who writes about a wide variety of unsolved mysteries.  His previous books include For Nobody's Eyes Only; The NASA Conspiracies; The Real Men in Black; and The Pyramids and the Pentagon.

July 23, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz host Patricia Baker and Guest co-host Patricia Kirkman as they interview Danielle Rama Hoffman on how to live an exquisite life.  If the "miracle" isn't happening for you yet, this is the show that will help you break through!  Hear about Galactic teachings and practices to raise your vibrational energy and create a life of joy, abundance, and ease.   Learn how to receive direct transmissions of spiritual technology from the Council of Light and activate the 10 Rays of Light. 

We will discuss how shifting your consciousness and raising your inner vibration, will change your daily life for the better. Let us guide your journey  to manifest health, wealth, happiness, and purpose by forming a direct connection with the Council of Light!

Danielle Rama Hoffman is an ancient wisdom keeper, divine transmitter, and a leader in the shift into Unity Consciousness. She is the author of The Temples of Light & The Council of Light.

July 16, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Helene Olsen for a special night of FREE Readings with Numerologist Patricia Kirkman! Over a thirty year career she has earned a reputation for being "the best of the best".

A talented numerologist, Patricia is internationally recognized as a gifted and insightful reader who is respected for her honesty, integrity, and discretion.

Patricia’s focus is always on the truth. She has a unique ability to take her clients’ personal numbers and translate them into past patterns and future directions. Through intuitive counseling she works to help clients understand the forces at work in their lives. Through Diagnostic Coaching and Rational Numerology© clients learn how they can neutralize negative influences and refocus positive energy. 

Patricia also utilizes astrology and celestial forecasting to encourage and coach her clients to expand their personal horizons, discover new directions, and achieve awareness and fulfillment in their lives. 

July 9, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and guest co-host Patricia Kirkman to hear about the ways of magic and healing from author and conjurer Orion Foxwood.  Foxwood's book Candle and the Crossroads is all about the REAL magic and techniques of Southern root magic, knowledge he learned first-hand from his own relatives while growing up in rural Appalachia.

Tune in to hear firsthand about...  

Spirit Sight 

Working by the Signs (the ability to synchronize work such as farming, fertility of humans and animals, orcharding)

July 2, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they speak with neurosugeon & author, John Turner, MD about his book Medicine, Miracles, and Manifestations: A Doctor's Journey Through the Worlds of Divine Intervention, Near-Death Experiences and Universal Energy.

Dr. Turner served as the sole neurosurgeon on the island of Hawaii for eighteen years, initially performing lifesaving procedures with a marginally trained staff and substandard equipment.  He arrived with the desire to investigate the spiritual world and understand the meaning of life, death, and life-after-death. His metaphysical experiences began the first night he was on call and continue up to the present. Dr. Turner balances his time between stargazing from an observatory dome at his rain forest home and serving as a consulting physician for the Hilo Pain Center in Hilo, Hawaii.

He has come to believe that metaphysical events such as remote viewing, telepathy, consciousness, and life-after-death are verifiable manifestations of the manner in which the human brain interfaces with the universal consciousness that author Lynne McTaggart refers to as The Field.

Tune in to hear how Dr. Turner feels that paranormal is truly NORMAL!

June 26, 2014

On May 29, 2014, we hosted a prayer circle for our sister in Light, Becky Andreasson.  Becky is currently facing a serious health challenge. We were joined by many concerned listeners around the world and prayers were sent for Becky's immediate healing during the session.

We extended the healing prayers for all listeners and their loved ones.

What happened next was truly amazing.  The people who participated reported that they also had profound experiences.  We received phone calls and e-mails from all the participants with miraculous accounts of how participating in the prayer circle had changed their lives.

Please join us as we offer another session of Prayers for Becky (and you)!

June 18, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they speak with The Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo.

Venerable Dhyani is the founder and Spiritual Director of Sunray, holder of the Ywahoo Lineage and Chief of the Green Mountain Ani Yunwiwa. Her training to carry the ancestral traditions began in early childhood, under the direction of her grandparents and elders. As repositories of the sacred knowledge of their people, they passed to Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo the spiritual duty and blessing to carry the traditions on which the work and teachings of Sunray are based. The elders foresaw Ven. Dhyani’s duty to be involved in the manifestation of world peace, and that this work would bring many people and nations again to see the clear light of right relationship.

There have been twenty-seven Ywahoo’s entrusted to maintain the teachings, to ensure methods of stabilizing the mind in times of confusion. These teachings were passed to Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo from her grandfather, Eonah Fisher (Bear Fishing), who received the teachings from Eli Ywahoo, his father-in-law, who was Ven. Dhyani’s great-grandfather, and from her grandmother, Nellie Ywahoo.For hundreds of years the sacred teachings were kept hidden. During 1969, elders of many bands and the Ywahoo bloodline conferred and decided that the general aspects of the teaching were now to be shared with all those of good heart who were dedicated to manifesting peace.  The elders said that the Medicine of the Twins was to be understood by all, so that even anger and fear could be recognized as opportunities to realize that clear wisdom fire within. And they said that the general teachings of the Pale One were to be shared, to give light to a new day.

June 11, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they speak with author and researcher Dimitri Moraitis.

Hear about...

  • Various types of angels, including joy guides, teaching angels and guardian angels

  • Techniques with which to call on Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and other archangels

  • Ways in which leaders of the Spiritual Hierarchy influence our lives

  • The nature of evil and the importance of spiritual protection

  • Keys to psychic and spiritual visions and clairvoyance

  • Meditation tools with which to access celestial realms

  • More than 50 meditative prayers that call on Divine Light and celestial beings for wisdom,

    love, prosperity, healing, peace, guidance and inspiration 

Dimitri is executive director of Spiritual Arts Institute. Drawing on thirty years of metaphysical experience, and personally trained by Barbara, he is an accomplished metaphysical teacher and healer. Originally trained in Film/TV, Dimitri redirected his life’s work early to pursue the path of metaphysics. Dimitri has been instrumental in organizing the teaching material and bringing Spiritual Arts Institute to the place it is today. He has lectured across the country, been on radio and TV, and teaches with Barbara the workshops and classes offered at the Institute.

June 12, 2014

On May 29, 2014, we hosted a prayer circle for our sister in Light, Becky Andreasson.  Becky is currently facing a serious health challenge. We were joined by many concerned listeners around the world and prayers were sent for Becky's immediate healing during the session.

We extended the healing prayers for all listeners and their loved ones.

What happened next was truly amazing.  The people who participated reported that they also had profound experiences.  We received phone calls and e-mails from all the participants with miraculous accounts of how participating in the prayer circle had changed their lives.

Please join us as we offer another session of Prayers for Becky (and you)!

What you can expect…

Helene works with the Angelic realm and will be connecting us to the heartfelt energy of the Angels. At times Helene is able to deliver a channeled message during the circle. Patricia supports the power, focus and expansion of the celestial and human group.  Both Patricia & Helene will assist in strengthening the prayer energy as the prayers go out to Becky and to all of you.


June 11, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they speak with author and researcher Tony Wright.

Was our brain meant to evolve in a different way? More powerful?  Connected to the cosmos? Have we been led astray by religion, main stream media and the powers that be?  What will it take for us to return to our state of autonomy and enlightenment?  Tune in to hear the answers from Tony Wright author of Return to the Brain of Eden:  Restoring the Connection between Neurochemistry and Consciousness. Tony is a consciousness researcher who studied horticulture and plant biochemistry at the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh.  He lives in Cornwall, England.

Also, world famous numerologist Patricia Kirkman joins us at the beginning of every show.  This week she will be revealing what the future holds for Supernatural television star Mark Sheppard, a/k/a Crowley, the King of Hell.

July 4, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they interview amazing animal communicator Wendy Van de Poll. Call in to the LIVE show for a your FREE reading for your beloved pet. 

Wendy works with clients all over the world and is known for her unique cutting-edge abilities. She communicates with your pets and wild animals of all species.

Known for her skill and pleasant humor she can shift your animal and you out of difficult times to the place of living your life to its fullest and best. Wendy has the ability to look within and to see where discord is taking place. Knowing that the emotional, physical, and spiritual realms are intricately connected, Wendy works to resolve the issues within, one layer at a time, which allows her clients to obtain the highest possible wellness and joy. Wendy holds a Master’s of Science degree in Wolf Ecology and Behavior. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist for Human, Horse and Hound. She is also a Certified Professional Coach. She has been in the Holistic Health Field for over 30-years.

Wendy has run with wild Wolves in Minnesota, Coyotes in Massachusetts and Foxes in her backwoods. She has been forever-connected with animals on the Earth and Spiritual plane and has finally learned to listen to their messages after way too many wild wanderings!

May 28, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they interview author and expert on the Theban Alphabet, Greg Jenkins.

Learn how to use this magical alphabet to change your life!

Based on the ancient magical writings of 14th-century magus, Honorius of Thebes, the Theban Oracle is a codex employed for centuries as a means of devotion and divination. Used by such masters of the occult sciences as Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Dr. John Dee, Francis Barrett, and later Gerald Gardner, it has remained relatively obscure and elusive to the modern practitioner....Until now.

May 21, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they interview Psychic Medium Dr. Rom Weber.  Learn how to increase your own psychic awareness!  AND Call in to theLIVE show for your FREE reading.  Do you need guidance on an issue in your life?  Love, Money, a choice to be made? 

Please note that Dr. Weber will not be offering Mediumship on air.  This is an opportunity for psychic guidance.

Dr. Weber is an international psychic medium well-known for her spot-on evidential mediumship, cultivated by her attention to detail and her passion for connecting loved ones.  Warm, compassionate, and down-to-earth, Dr. Rom’s mediumship was recently acclaimed by the NJ Herald as having “stunning clarity and accuracy.”  Based in the New York Metropolitan Area, Dr. Rom has also appeared on television and radio, and she’s worked with clients from all over the US, the UK, India, Canada, Russia, Brazil, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, China, Japan, New Zealand, and the Philippines.  She is trained in both American and British styles of mediumship. During the summers, Dr. Rom can be found serving the Lily Dale Spiritualist Assembly, Fellowships of the Spirit, and Universal Unity of Spirit Congregations, and regularly teaches her well-received course, “Amplify Your Intuition,” both upstate and locally.  

May 11, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Guest Co-host Helene Olsen as they speak with world renowned Tarot expert and reader Thomas Michael Caldwell. Want to know the deepest meanings of the DEATH card? The TOWER? The LOVERS? Tune in to hear Thomas' interpretations, as well as his personal stories of doing readings for some very "high end" clients. We will be talking about Tarot as divination method and as a way to help you create what you want in your life.

Thomas Michael Caldwell is also the founder and CEO of Thelesis Aura; a publication and media production company specializing in esoteric and comparative religious materials. He will discuss the changing nature of the occult/esoteric world and how it is becoming increasingly main stream and main street.

April 27, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with  Emmy-nominated art director, Robert Kopecky.  Robert never dreamed he'd end up writing a book about how to survive life and death. But what else could he do? Over the years, Kopecky had not one but THREE near-death experiences. He discovered exactly what lives on the other side of our fears about dying – and living. And he had some stories you will definitely want to hear. Even some funny ones!

Listen to the show and you'll find yourself uncoiling, relaxing your shoulders, and taking deeper breaths. You may even feel like you're floating as you begin to shed the weight of a lifetime of anxiety. You'll discover what Kopecky believes are the three keys to living more life and understanding death.

April 19, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they explore the Shamanic journey between darkness and light with author Sandra Corcoran.  

If you want an inside look at the shamanic world of magic and transformation then do not miss this show.  Working with Native elders and wisdom keepers throughout the Americas Corcoran learned to walk the path in between light and dark, heaven and earth.

Sandra  is a shamanic counselor trained for 30 years in traditional and esoteric healing techniques throught the Americas & Europe.  She is the author of Shamanic Awakening.

April 12, 2014

There is a battle for humanity, and it began in the stars.  Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with 
Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D. about the supernatural battle raging around us. Hear how we were created as a slave race, but there was one advocate who thought we should be set free.  Who is behind this and how we can realize our freedom?  Tune in to find out!

Dr. Hardy holds a doctorate in ethno-psychology. A cognitive scientist and former researcher at Princeton’s Psychophysical Research Laboratories, she has spent many years investigating nonlocal consciousness through systems theory, chaos theory, and her own Semantic Fields Theory. The author of many research papers and published books, including The Sacred Network, Dr. Hardy lives in France.

April 5, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson to find out how you can change your life with Divination!

If you keep on doing what your doing, you're likely to keep on getting what you're getting.

Is that what you want?


If you've been looking for a way to tap into the logic and power of all things, you may be surprised to find the answer is literally right at your fingertips. The ancient art of dowsing--which is much more than a way to look for water--gives you the key to tapping into the flow of the universe for health, wealth, and positive change.

Raymon Grace has been studying forms of healing and connections with the universe for more than thirty years. He is the author of The Future Is Yours  and he will tell you how to use dowsing to change the energetic flow of people, places, and situations, and how these simple changes can avert conflict, heal illness, and help people work together. 

According to Raymon you don't need academic degrees, expensive equipment, or spiritual credentials. All you need is the willingness to learn the simple principles!  Join us for an exciting evening with one of the world's top dowsers.

March 29, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they talk Old World Witchcraft, with noted author & neo-pagan scholar Raven Grimassi. Tune in to hear about "an enchanted worldview," one that has not necessarily been inherited from the beliefs and practices of any particular region and one which is available to us all today.

Hear about the concept of Shadow as the organic memory of the earth, rooted techniques that possess power, how to interface with the ancestral current and with the organic memory of the earth.  Learn of these formerly hidden methods of empowerment tied to the Ancient Source!

March 22, 2014

Exhausted? Angry? Broke? The Goddesses are here to help!

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they talk Goddess magic with Spellcaster and author Jen McConnel.  Find out all about this powerful magic and how to get the help of the right goddess, the simplest of spells can yield amazing results.  Jen  offers 80 spells imbued with the vibrant force of 25 Goddesses from around the globe. Tune in to hear how to call
Athena for memory retention, Aphrodite to gain confidence, Persephone to find you path, and Sekhmet to prevent illness! 

March 15, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they talk about the mystical vine Ayahuasca with author Alan Shoemaker. The vine is said to induce visions of other realities and heal physical illness.  Used by South American Shamans for centuries, the vine, this power plant has its own tale to tell.

Alan Shoemaker is a formally trained ayahuasquero, curandero, and writer. He is the host of the annual International Amazonian Shamanism conference, administrator of the “Vine of the Soul Intensives,” and founder and director of the Soga Del Alma church of ayahuasca. He lives with his two children in Iquitos, Peru. He is the author of Ayahuasca Medicine:  The Shamanic World of Amazonian Plant Healing.

March 8, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with Avery Morrow, an author who provides the first English translation of secret Japanese writings.   
In his groundbreaking book Avery translates four suppressed and secret texts to discover the deeper truths beneath Japanese mythology.

Do the Emperors have non Earthly origins? Do these ancient texts parallel the sacred spiritual science of Japan’s Golden Age with ancient India, Europe, and Egypt? 

In Japan there are roughly two dozen secret manuscripts originally dating back to the paleolithic era, the age of heroes and gods, that have been handed down by the ruling families for centuries. Rejected by orthodox Japanese scholars and never before translated into English, these documents speak of primeval alphabets, lost languages, forgotten technologies, and the sacred spiritual science. Some even refer to UFOs, Atlantis, and Jesus coming to Japan.

Tune in to hear this very exciting and controversial information FIRST on Supernatural Girlz Radio.

March 1, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they have yet another rip-roaring time of it with one of their very FAVORITE guests, Lon Milo DuQuette.  Tonight they will discuss Good & Evil, Enochian Angels and the purpose of Magick.

Lon is the author of 16 critically acclaimed books, (translated in 12 languages), on Magick and the Occult. Critics have called him one of the most respected and entertaining writers and lecturers in the field of the Western Mystery Traditions.

Since 1975 DuQuette been a national and international governing officer of Ordo Templi Orientis, one of the most influential magical societies of the 20th Century. He is currently the Order's United States Deputy Grand Master. He is an internationally recognized authority on tarot and western ceremonial magick. Although he takes these subjects very seriously, he tries not to take himself too seriously. This rare combination of scholarship and humor has earned him in the last 20 years a unique and respected position in American spiritual and esoteric literature.

February 27, 2014

Do you have MS or any other autoimmune disease? If so, please tune in to this very important show.  Join me as I speak with Dr. Terry Wahls about her diagnosis of MS and how she recovered from being a wheelchair bound patient to a mountain biking physician with a full medical practice.

The Wahls Protocol is the story of Terry's progressive disability due to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, its impact on her and her family.   Through her own review of scientific literature, she created an intensive, NON DRUG intervention to slow the progression of the disease.  Within a year of starting the Wahls Protocol™ Terry went from a tilt-recline wheelchair to being able to do an 18 mile bicycle tour with my family.  It changed her life, how she practiced medicine and the focus of her clinical research.  

Tune in to hear Terry’s story, and the stories of others who have had their lives transformed as a result of her work. Take your health back!

February 15, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with former High Priest of the Temple of Set, Don Webb about the real meaning of The Book of the Law.  Webb also unveils a different side of the book's author, Aleister Crowley and Aleister's aim to become a vessel of love for all humanity - a far cry from his identity as a selfish evildoer. We will be talking about how this established magical path overthrows the old Gods and ushers in a time of personal mastery and sovereignty.

Don has written and lectured on Left-Hand Path topics and the Occult practices of Late Antiquity since 1995.  He is the author of Overthrowing the Old Gods:  Aleister Crowley and The Book of the Law

February 8, 2014

Did we evolve from apes? Are we descendants of Adam & Eve?  Why is the missing link still MISSING? Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with Anthropologist and author Susan Martinez, Ph.D. about our origins in the heavens and on earth. Tune in to hear about the angel-engendered races and how we acquired the blood of the Gods.

Martinez earned her doctorate in anthropology at Columbia University, where she also served as a lecturer in ethnolinguistics.  She is the author of The Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man, The Psychic Life of Abraham Lincoln, The Hidden Prophet, Time of the Quickening, and The Lost History of the Little People.

February 1, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with author Annie Kagan about life after death.

Annie, a chiropractor and songwriter living in Manhattan, abandoned her hectic city life in search of serenity in a small, secluded house by the bay.

When her brother Billy died unexpectedly and began speaking to her from the afterlife, Annie agreed to accompany him on his journey through the mysteries of death. As Billy reaches from the “other side” to change his sister’s life and the lives of those around her, he shares secrets about the bliss and wonder to come in the afterlife.

The fascinating, true story of her on-going, after death communication with her brother Billy is recounted in her book: The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad Boy Brother Proved to Me There is Life After Death

January 25, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with author Robbie Holz. Robbie's book, Secrets of Aboriginal Healing was written at the request of Aboriginal healers and reveals the beliefs and principles of the 60,000-year-old healing system of the Aborigines of Australia, the world’s oldest continuous culture.  During the show we will explore the use of dreamtime, spirit guides, and telepathy to discover and reprogram the subconscious motivations behind illness—a process that enacts healing at the cellular and the soul level, where the root of physical illness is found.

Gary Holz, D.Sc. (1950–2007), was an award-winning physicist and a psycho-neuro-immunologist. In 1994, confined to a wheelchair with multiple sclerosis, he went to Australia to stay with an Aboriginal tribe and experienced miraculous healing.

Robbie Holz is a holistic health consultant dedicated to continuing the healing work of her late husband. She healed herself of hepatitis C and has also worked with Aboriginal healers in Australia. She lives near Seattle. 

January 18, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with historian Ed Malkowski.  Drawing on the pre-catastrophe teachings preserved by the ancient Egyptians, Malkowski reveals that we are returning to a Celestial Configuration parallel to that of an earlier Golden Age.  Through our collective DNA memory and the creative power of our minds we have the ability to end our 12,000 year quest to regain paradise lost and launch a Golden Age of unity and abundance for all.

Ed is the author of Return of the Golden Age:  Ancient History and the Key to Our Collective Future, The Spiritual Technology of Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Egypt 39,000 BCE, Sons of God - Daughters of Men

January 11, 2014

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with former Army Sergeant, Clifford Stone.  Stone spent 22 years in the US Army as a part of an extremely elite and secret group that was rapidly dispatched to crash sites in order to recover UFO or ET craft, bodies, and artifacts. 

Stone states that the U.S. Government tried to suppress what he had actually seen one strange day in Pennsylvania, in 1969.

"I was involved in situations where we actually did recoveries of crashed saucers. There were bodies that were involved with some of these crashes. Also some of these were alive," he said. "While we were doing this, we were telling the American public there was nothing to it. We were telling the world there was nothing to it," Mr Stone added.  Most startling is that according to Stone there are ETs that look very much like you and me, they walk among us and we don't even notice the difference. 

Stone has catalogued 57 different species of alien life forms and is coming to Supernatural Girlz to tell us the latest information about UFOs, ETs and Time Travel.  He is the author of Eyes Only andUFOs are Real: Extraterrestrial Encounters Documented by the U.S. Government

January 4, 2014

Do you want to speak with someone who has passed on?  This is your chance.  Call in for your FREE READING with famous Medium Suzane Northrop.

Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson will interview Suzane about her fascinating 30 year career as a Medium, Grief and Bereavement expert. Call in during the LIVE show with your questions!

Suzane  has helped thousands worldwide to recover and heal from the loss of loved ones by bridging the gap between the world of the living and the spiritual world. In addition to her top selling books, Everything Happens for a Reason (now published in 4 languages) and Second Chance: Healing Messages from the Afterlife, Suzane is breaking new ground yet again with her most recent release, A Medium’s Cookbook: Recipes for the Soul. 

The Afterlife, Suzane’s Emmy-nominated TV series, has captured the imagination and hearts of millions in both the U.S. and Canada, demonstrating Suzane’s unparalleled talent as a Medium and her profound impact on those who experience her work. 

Suzane has been an expert consultant to numerous investigation agencies including police departments in New York City, Washington D.C., Hartford, Connecticut and Los Angeles. She was also an engaged and active force in grief counseling for victims of the NYC World Trade Center tragedy in 2001.

December 21, 2013

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they interview Travis Walton about his abduction which began on November 5, 1975, in the Arizona, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. Travis was one of a seven man crew that was clearing trees on a government contract. After the end of the work day, all of the crew jumped into foreman Mike Roger's pick-up truck and began their trip home. As they drove, they were shocked to see a "luminous object, shaped like a flattened disc" by the side of the road,

Travis left the truck to get a better look, and was hit by a blue beam throwing him to the earth. The six other men feared for their lives and roared away in the truck for a distance, but then, realizing they had left Travis behind and he might need help, they turned the truck around and headed back to find him. Walton was gone.

“I looked at the vague but reassuring forms of the doctors around me. Abruptly my vision cleared. The sudden horror of what I saw rocked me as I realized I was definitely not in a hospital. I was looking square into the face of a horrible creature . . . with huge, luminous brown eyes the size of quarters! I looked frantically around me. There were three of them! Hysteria overcame me instantly.”  — Travis Walton

Tune in to hear Travis' incredible account of his Close Encounter of the Third Kind and his theory on why he was abducted from the forest that day in November 1975.

December 19, 2013

Join host Patricia Baker as she speaks with Robert Schoch, Ph.D., a scientist, who twenty-two years ago, redated the Sphinx and launched the New Archaeology. His book Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in out Past and Future distills all that has happened since into a simple conclusion: that solar activity ended the last cycle of high culture and may destroy ours in turn.   According to Joscelyn Godwin, Ph.D., senior faculty member at Colgate University Schoch is no fearmonger, no hawker of a pet theory. What we do with this knowledge is up to us, but once digested, it changes everything.

December 14, 2013

  An Early Holiday Present To All Our Listeners!

Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson speak with Astrologer and Numerologist to the Stars, Patricia Kirkman. 

Over a thirty year career Patricia has earned a reputation for being "the best of the best". She is reknown for her unique ability to take her client's personal numbers and translate them into past patterns and future directions.

CALL IN for your personal LIVE, on-air reading!!!

Patricia will use astrology and celestial forecasting to encourage you to expand your personal horizons, discover new directions, and achieve awareness and fulfillment in your life. She will also be talking about a MYSTERY celebrity and what is in store for them.

December 7, 2013

Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Becky Andreasson when they interview author Gerard Medvec on the incredible UFO flap that took place in one year in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region.

1,729 UFO sightings were reported, which averaged out at 144 per month, 5 per day!  In his book, Mid-Atlantic UFOs Gerard reports 80 true encounters, alien abductions, a mass fleet sighting, advanced extraterrestrial technology and an unusual blue green mist that terrorized young men in the wilderness at a campsite.  

Gerard Medvec is also the o-author of Ghosts of Delaware and UFOs Above PA and has published over 60 non-fiction articles and four short stories.

November 30, 2013

How did the advanced civilization of ancient Egypt arise seemingly overnight, then appear to lose its prior advancements with the death of Akhenatan?  Were aliens from other worlds responsible for the uplifted energy and expanded consiousness? And were another group of aliens responsible for hiding the truth and then setting everything in motion to keep us in darkness?  Find out when Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Becky Andreasson interview author Xaviant Haze. Xaviant is a researcher of ancient manuscripts and alternative history, and the author of Aliens in Ancient Egypt:  The Brotherhood of the Serpent and the Secrets of the Nile Civilization.

November 23, 2013

Wallace Mad Bear Anderson from the Tuscarora tribe of the Iroquois Nation was one of the great Medicine Men of all time. He had a deep understanding of nature and Spirit. 

Author Doug Boyd describes him as having a name that suited him, a name given to him by his grandmother due to his bad temper.

 "Mad Bear did not at all match my image of him.  I had never seen anyone quite like him before, yet it seemed very reasonable to me that there should be such a person.  His name suited him, or perhaps it was the other way around." ~Doug Boyd

Mad Bear was recognized as a highly sophisticated, articulate, and skilled Medicine Man who traveled widely and lived and studied with Druids, Vikings,Tibetans, Hindu yogis, and various aboriginal peoples.  He was the catalyst for much healing, both personal and global.

"The purpose of good medicine is to make it simple. There's no need to create any opposing destructive force; that only makes more negative energy and more results and more problems.”  ~Mad Bear Anderson

Join us tonight as Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Becky Andreasson speak with Mad Bear’s apprentice and Sacred Son, Michael Bastine on Memories of Mad Bear.

November 21, 2013

Native People are reknown for their hunting, gathering and overall survival skills.  What do you need to learn from them to survive the challenges ahead?

Evan Pritchard, a descendant of the Mi’kmaq people, has taught Native American studies at Pace University, Vassar College, and Marist College and is the director of the Center for Algonquin Culture. Steeped in bird lore by his Mi’kmaq great aunt Helen Perley, he is the author of several books, including Bird Medicine, Native New Yorkers and No Word for Time. A regular on radio shows such as NPR’s Fresh Air and on the History Channel, he lives in the Hudson Valley of New York.

November 16, 2013

Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Becky Andreasson get answers on a very big question, How the Universe Works, with special guest Michael Buchele, MD.  Michael studied under inventor extraordinaire Arthur M. Young and shares the answers to many questions of mystery about the workings of our inner and outer worlds.  In Young's "Theory of Process," there is no more "fringe" and the paranormal is really normal.  Join this fascinating discussion on How The Universe Works and step into the real power of life.

November 9, 2013

Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson speak with author Evan Pritchard, a descendant of the Mi'kmaq people.  Evan will be sharing his profound knowledge of bird spirituality and shamanism.  Around the world birds are known as teachers, guardians, role models, peacemakers and even meteorlogists!  Birds carry messages and warnings from loved ones and the Spirit world.  Do you know how to listen?

Evan Pritchard has taught Native American studies at Pace University, Vassar College and Marist College.  He is the Director of the Center for Algonquin Culture and lives in the Hudson Valley, New York.

November 2, 2013

He's back by popular demand!  Join Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker as they speak with author Timothy Wyllie about Fallen Angels.  Do they walk among us?  And are they here for redemption or chaos?  Timothy explains their purpose and how it effects all of us today.  Are you one of the Fallen?

October 26, 2013

Join Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker as they speak with Algonquin Healer and Elder, Michael Bastine and Supernatural Historian Mason Winfield about the Iroquois supernatural legacy: shapeshifting witches, strange forest creatures, ethereal lights, vampire zombies, cursed areas, dark magicians, talking animals, enchanted masks, and haunted hills, roads, and battlefields as well as accounts of miraculous healings by medicine people such as Mad Bear and Ted Williams. Grounding their tales with a history of the Haundenosaunee, the People of the Long House, the authors show how the supernatural beings, places, and customs of the Iroquois live on in contemporary paranormal experience, still surfacing as startling and sometimes inspiring reports of otherworldly creatures, haunted sites, after-death messages, and mystical visions. Providing a link with America’s oldest spiritual roots, these stories help us to know more deeply the nature and super-nature around us as well as offer spiritual insights for those who can no longer hear the chants of their own ancestors. 

MICHAEL BASTINE is an Algonquin healer, elder, and former student of famous Tuscarora medicine man Wallace “Mad Bear” Anderson and Tuscarora healer Ted Williams. MASON WINFIELD is a supernatural historian, founder of Haunted History Ghost Walks, Inc., and the author of 9 books, including Supernatural Saratoga. Both authors live near Buffalo, New York.

October 19, 2013

Join Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen and Patricia Baker as they interview Ed Becker.  This is the story of a true haunting. It was the first ever filmed and televised by NBC in 1971. A young couple purchases a building that was built and occupied by a single family that refused to relinquish their hold, even after death. Investigated and verified by experts, this residence brought chaos to the lives of those who chose to reside there. Unlike a horror novel, this chronicles what a real ghostly experience would resemble. Long before the laws of disclosure, a young couple winds up in the midst of strange occurrences prior to the term 'paranormal' becoming a common description. Searching for help at time when supernatural events were a taboo subject and being ignored by the Church, sent them into a desperate search for any assistance. Only a little known organization came to their aid. Author Tom Valentine, brought in nationally known psychic, Joseph DeLouise, who then asked assistance of an exorcist from England, Reverend William Derl-Davis. Together, they gave their best effort at exorcising the multiple spirits inhabiting the building and disrupting the lives of the living. Events were filmed by NBC, who sent their most prominent Chicago journalist, Carole Simpson, to cover the event. Hear about the young couple with a newborn as they attempt to cope with inexplicable events, experience denial, plead for help from their Church, and step into the world of the paranormal. 

October 12, 2013

Join Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen and Patricia Baker for HOCUS POCUS Saturday as they offer FREE READINGS to callers from 9 - 10:00 PM.  Call in with your questions and get an answer from world renowned psychic/medium Helene Olsen and expert dream analyst Patricia Baker.

At 10:00 the talk turns to Witchcraft and the Spookiest of stories as Supernatural Girlz are joined by famous Salem Witch Lorrie Gibson. 

October 5, 2013

Want the truth?  Then join Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen and Patricia Baker as they speak with Robert Salas, a highly regarded witness to the 1967 UFO encounters at Malmstrom AFB.  Robert Salas graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy and spent seven years on active duty from 1964 to 1971.  He also held positions at Martin Marietta, Rockwell International and spent 21 years at the FAA as an aircraft structures certification engineer. While an officer in the Air Force, he held positions as a weapons controller, drone pilot, missile launch officer, as well as an engineer on the Titan III missile program.He is a researcher and speaker on the UFO phenomenon at nuclear weapons bases since 1994. He is the co-author of  the book Faded Giant with James Klotz and the author of Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon.  Mr. Salas will discuss the press conference held on September 27, 2010 in Washington DC, which he co-sponsored.  At this crucial and significant event, seven ex-military officers publicly disclosed their own encounters with UFOs at nuclear weapons bases. He will also discuss his own Alien abduction.

September 28, 2013

Join Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker as they speak with Timothy Wyllie about the revolt of the rebel Angels.  Is this the redemption that they have been waiting for?  Will this result in a massive transformation of consciousness?  Timothy tells us why there was an Angel Revolt and how that shaped our Destiny. Tune in to find out what really happened and what is coming next.


Timothy Wyllie is a writer, artist and musician who specializes in the study of nonhuman intelligence such as Dolphins and Angels.  He had a near death experience in 1973 which changed his consciousness forever.  His books include Confessions of a Rebel Angel, and The Return of the Rebel Angels.  He lives in the high desert of New Mexico.

September 21, 2013

Join Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker as they speak with Craig Webb about the secrets of Lucid Dreaming.

Craig Sim Webb is McGill University graduate and Executive Director of the DREAMS Foundation for two decades. Craig is a dream analyst and consciousness researcher/author, and physicist/inventor with pioneering dream and lucid dream research at Stanford and Montreal's Sacre-Coeur Hospital. He has designed biofeedback technologies sold worldwide, and is privileged to be an invited expert for major motion pictures, Fortune 500 corporations, and well over a thousand international media. He currently hosts Dream Interpretation & Lucid Dreaming Teleclasses.

September 14, 2013

Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker speak with Len Kasten about our government's secret involvement with interplanetary travel. Len is the author of Secret Journey to Planet Serpo.  He is a graduate of Cornell University and joined the Air Force after graduation.  It was during his service with the Air Force that he had a UFO encounter, which changed his life forever.  Len claims that the government has the technology to reach other planets and has indeed sent Earthlings on a planetary outreach mission.

Join us as we discuss this very controversial topic!

September 7, 2013

Join Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen and Patricia Baker as they interview Dr. Cynthia Koelker about her book, Armageddon Medicine: How to Be Your Own Doctor in 2012 and Beyond – An Instruction Manual. 

 “Survivalism” has gone mainstream, and family preparedness is now considered both legitimate and prudent in an uncertain world.  Natural disasters such as devastating hurricanes, wars and the world financial crisis have increased concerns that the government cannot be relied upon to keep us safe and healthy.

Dr. Koelker, a board-certified family physician of over twenty years’ experience, is more than qualified to write a manual on medical preparedness. She is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and M.I.T. She financed her medical education by serving in the National Health Service Corps.

She is the founder and head of the website, and also serves as chief medical editor for She is also the author of the book 101 Ways to Save Money on Health Care, (2009), published by Plume Books/Penguin, and has appeared in the media to discuss medical preparedness and related issues.

“This book is dedicated to my children and grandchildren, with the hope that they never need to use it.” Dr. Cynthia Koelker 

Join us and learn how to SURVIVE!

August 31, 2013

Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen and Patricia Baker explore the world of Shamanic and Miraculous healing with world traveler and author Margaret De Wys.  Margaret journeyed to Brazil to work with the famous healer John of God, and to Africa where she worked with Credo Mutwa and Umbanda Priest Pai Lazaro.

What happens during a Shamanic Healing?  Who attends these sessions? Do people truly walk away "cured" from their illness?  Join us to find out!

Margaret takes groups to the Ecuadian Amazon to work with Shamanic healers.  She is the author of Black Smoke and Ecstatic Healing:  A Journey into the Shamanic World of Spirit Possession and Miraculous Medicine.

August 17, 2013

Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker speak with guest Rosemary Ellen Guiley about the connection among the mysterious Djinn, Shadow People, ETs and other entities.

Drawing upon her decades of extensive research in all facets of the paranormal, Rosemary Ellen Guiley makes a compelling case that our interactions with spirits, extraterrestrials, shadow figures and aliens all involve the mysterious Djinn.

According to Guiley, author of over 50 paranormal books, the Djinn are a force in the destiny of human beings.  We need to know who the Djinn really are and how to respond!

August 10, 2013

The earth sudddenly opens up and swallows a rebellious family, a cloud of smoke and fire moves over the ground and leads a nation across a desert, animals talk and supernatural beings move about on Earth.  Where do these reports come from?  The Bible.  Are the unseen beings and strange events  still going on around us? 

Tune in as Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen and Patricia Baker interview author Robert Brenner, author of Supernatural and Strange Happenings in the Bible.

Robert is an engineer and has catalogued 390 unique incidents of paranormal events found in Scripture.  The events are based on Hebrew and Greek writings and include historical dates and location maps. Call in with your questions!  Robert will answer questions about the Watchers, Giants, ETs, and other dimensions!  Don't miss this one!

August 3, 2013

Join Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker as they explore the mysteries of Avalon and the Holy Grail with guest, Laura Eisenhower.  What is the Holy Grail? A real object or a symbol for personal and spiritual power?  Is Avalon just a legend or did it exist in time and space?  This is not just history or herstory, this is about you right now.  Tune in to hear the truth about the Holy Grail and Avalon and why it is important today.

July 27, 2013

Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker unravel the mysteries of ancient and contemporary alchemy with modern day alchemist Tom Waters.  Although the mysteries of this ancient art are hidden in the mists of time, the transformative power of alchemy is within our reach.  Tom, an alchemist of the Hermetic Tradition of ancient Egypt, explains the true motive behind the alchemists singular pursuit~ unravelling powerful mysteries in the face of persecution.  Alchemists then and now are inspired by a vision of man made perfect, free from disease and the limitations of the physical, standing as a mirror to God in Perfection, Beauty, and Harmony.  Is this possible and are there revolutionary new products to help us reach that enlivened and enlightened state?  Tune in and find out!

July 21, 2013

Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen and Patricia Baker speak with Guido Mase, author ofThe Wild Medicine Solution. Can our true medicine be found in the plains and forests that surround us? And sometimes right in our own backyard? Guido is an expert clinical herbalist and guides us through the healing properties of the plant kingdom, aromatics, bitters and tonics. He gives us the best techniques for harvesting, preparation, as well as answers all your health questions! 

July 13, 2013

Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen and Patricia Baker speak with Astrologer and Numerologist to the Stars, Patricia Kirkman. 

What's in store for the future King and Queen of England and their new baby? How similar are Kate & Diana? Tune in and find out!

Over a thirty year career Patricia has earned a reputation for being "the best of the best". She is reknown for her unique ability to take her client's personal numbers and translate them into past patterns and future directions.

Also, call in for your personal LIVE, on-air reading!!!

Patricia will use astrology and celestial forecasting to encourage you to expand your personal horizons, discover new directions, and achieve awareness and fulfillment in your life. 

July 6, 2013

Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker interview a Guardian of Ancient Source Energy, Kaveeta Suniel of Kosmic Fusion.  This is the very FIRST radio interview that Kaveeta has granted, not only to share information about this mysterious, ever present power, but to provide a LIVE on-air demonstration for all listeners to experience completely FREE of charge. 

Tune in to find out what Source energy is, how it works as a vortex, wave and pulse simultaneously; its historical progression through Lemuria, Atlantis, Peru & Egypt to present time; and most importantly how it is available to all of us right now. Join us and experience the pure state that has been the pursuit of mystics and seers for thousands of years.  Are you ready for an upgrade?

June 29, 2013

Is there already a REAL Zombie plague?

Find out when Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen and Patricia Baker speak with microbiologist Dr. Garth Nicolson.

Find out how autoimmune disease is skyrocketing, vaccines may be contaminated and the frightening way all of this got started.

Have we been used as human guinea pigs for bioweapons?

In this riveting 2 hour interview you will find out everything you need to know to survive the REAL Zombie Plague.

Dr. Garth Nicolson is a microbiologist, the President and Chief Scientific Officer and Research Professor at the Institute of Molecular Medicine in California.

Dr. Nicolson and his wife Nancy were the first to identify weaponized mycoplasma as the true reason for Gulf War Syndrome as well as a host of autoimmune diseases.

Dr. Nicolson and his wife risked their lives to expose the truth about these terrible illnesses,developmental disorders and contaminated vaccines. They are devoted to finding a treatment and an ultimate cure.

June 23, 2013

Want to know all about the secret wealth code in your name? Does your name attract prosperity or drive it away? If you change your name will you attract more wealth and happiness? Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker welcome wealth astro-numerologist Tania Gabrielle. Call in for your LIVE reading with Tania, who has coached thousands of clients, celebrities and entrepreneurs worldwide - helping them to manifest abundance by leveraging the secret code in their names, numbers and personal cycles. Her insights have been published on the front page of USA TODAY,, in Entertainment Weekly, ESPN Magazine and online in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Essence Magazine, and US Magazine. Listen to the show to crack the code in your name for the chance to live a more prosperous life!

June 9, 2013

NEW and back by popular demand! Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker speak with Robin Foy, lead investigator and physical medium from The Scole Experiment. The Experiment, which took place over a five year period in the UK, brought back REAL evidence of Life after Death. The Experiment mysteriously came to an end when the group was visited by a powerful entity from the future. Tune in to hear the latest updates and new Spirit Team results!

June 16, 2013

Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker speak with real-life, female Indiana Jones, archeologist Dr. Heather Lynn about the mysterious excavations and subsequent disappearance of important artifacts.  Who commissioned the dig?  Who has spirited away the ancient treasures and WHY?  You may be surprised to find out who is behind this mystery and why it effects your life right now!

Dr. Lynn is a researcher, speaker, and archaeologist with a Ph.D. in comparative religion. She is also president and founder of the Society for Truth in Archaeological Research, and a member of the World Archaeological Congress.  She broke away from the mainstream after realizing that much of the evidence that could be used to help answer these questions was being suppressed. Now, she is on a quest to help empower the public by giving them access to archaeological tools, resources, and education.


Heather is the author of The Sumerian Controversy and Anthrotheology: Searching for God in Man available this October.

June 1, 2013

Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker explore the dark and light of the legendary Crystal Skulls.  Authors and experts Joshua Shapiro and Katrina Head join us to discuss the history, mythology and true stories surrounding these ancient portals.  Helene will also share her revelations from personal contact with the skulls and will be connecting with a Crystal Skull LIVE on the air.

Joshua Shapiro is an author, world traveler and crystal skull explorer. Joshua saw his first ancient crystal skull in San Jose, California in 1983, made from amethyst quartz crystal.  Over the years, Joshua, working closely with Katrina Head, has given numerous presentations throughout the U.S., Europe, South America and Australia.  They are the co-caretakers of more than 10 Crystal Skulls, and the authors of Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed and Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers.

May 18, 2013

Heal your Mind, Body & Spirit with Herbal Medicine and Aromatherapy. Join Supernatural Girlz, Helene Olsen and Patricia Baker, as International Expert Kathy Duffy tells us how to grow, harvest and use these powerful plants and flowers right from our own gardens.

Kathy is a critical care nurse, Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Practitioner/Instructor, and Medical Herbalist.

In 1978 she opened The HERBARIUM in Chicopee MA, a retail herb and supplement shop which quickly became New England's primary complimentary therapy resource.

A contributing author for The Complete Guide to Natural Healing, Kathy has worked with 1,500 clients and teaches Botanical Medicine at Springfield Community College

Some of the institutions in which she teaches Aromatherapy include: Boston Medical Center, Stamford Hospital CT, Valley Hospital NJ, Carolinas Medical Center NC, Primary Children's Hospital UT, VA Medical Center, East Orange NJ, Minneapolis VA, MN.

Kathy's mission is to make Clinical Aromatherapy  an accepted holistic treatment in the U.S. health care system.

May 15, 2013

Join Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen and Patricia Baker as they speak with Animal Communicator Karen Anderson.  Do you want to know what your pets are thinking and feeling? Then our show is a must listen! Karen is the author of Hear All Creatures and was voted the Number One pet psychic in the country 2013!

May 11, 2013

The Power of Kundalini With Chantal Monte

Do you feel blocked in your life?  Do you want to know how to work with the power of Kundalini to remove these blocks in your path?  Call in and talk to Chantal about your possible block!

Expert Chantal Monte brings the power of Kundalini to Supernatural Girlz!  She brings the wisdom of the East and West together to show us how to safely use the mysterious electric wave and change our lives for the better.

"It's alive.  Without constructs of any sort.  Not limited by Time and Space.  It's life awake to itself.  Aware of itself.  It's indescribable.  It's in everyone for everyone.  I am not special or different.  I am the everyday woman."  -Chantal

For 20 years, Chantal has practiced with teachers and healers in the U.S. and Bali, Indonesia.  For over 10 years, she has offered healing sessions to clients worlwide.

May 5, 2013

What do you want to know about Angels & Demons? What are they, really? This is your chance to hear the answers from World Renowned Occult Expert, Lon Milo DuQuette. In occult literature, Lon is a star of exceptional brilliance. The author of 16 critically acclaimed books (translated into 12 languages) on magick and the occult, Lon is one of the most respected and entertaining writers and lecturers in the field of the Western Mystery Traditions. An internationally recognized authority on tarot and ceremonial magick, reviewers have compared his wit and writing style to that of Mark Twain and Robert Benchley. Audiences at his workshops and seminars describe the experience as a cascade of mesmerizing information, laughter… and terror.

Michael Chaplin's fascinating new book, A Fallen God, sets the stage for a profound interview about the force of DESTINY.  No stranger to fate and fortune, Michael is the son of film legend, Charlie Chaplin.  Michael is an author, actor and producer, currently working on  "The Caravan's Trail, Chaplin's Untold Story," a documentary about the Gypsy heritage of Charlie Chaplin. Charlie was born in the Gypsy Queen's caravan. The history of the gypsies, said to come from Egypt and to be followers of Mary Magdalene's daughter Sara-Tamar, has its own interesting spiritual side. Michael's destiny led him to many places including to his own special home in Montsegur, South West France.  This place also happens to be the location of one of the Cathar's last strongholds against the Vatican. Montsegur castle is believed to be the inspiration for the castle in Eschenbach's poem Parzival, the medieval German poem about the quest for the grail. Coincidence? Or Destiny? 

Join Supernatural Girlz as we embrace and explore the heavenly power of Destiny in all our lives.

April 20, 2013

One of our most popular guests, Dr. Richard Alan Miller is a world-renowned physicist, herbalist, best selling author and retired intelligence operative.  Join us as he shares how to survive the apocalypse and how to grow and sustain your garden in the brave new world that will follow.

Rick will cover the importance of the “THREE’s,” Air, Water and Food, which food crop has the lowest start up cost and the highest return, and many more invaluable tips just for our listeners!

Rick's books include Power Tools for the 21st Century, The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs, The Potential of Herbs as a Cash Crop, Encyclopedia of Alternative Farming, ESP Induction

Join hosts psychic/medium Helene Olsen and paranormal researcher Patricia Baker for another exciting Saturday night adventure on Supernatural Girlz